
Title (Arial, 30, Bold, #444444, top and bottom padding 20px, align left)

Sub Title (Arial, 22.5, Bold, #444444, top and bottom padding 15px, align left)

Title 3 (Arial, 13.5, Bold, #444444, top and bottom padding 5px, align left)

Body paragraph (Arial, 13.5, #425869, padding bottom 5px, align left)

Menu > System Config > Account  (Arial, 13.5, #0099ff)

  • Bullets and numbering (Same as body, # #425869,
  • spacing 1.0 between bullets, top and bottom padding 10px, align left)

Notes (Arial, 11, #444444, Background color #F7F5EF, side line #E5C65A, top and bottom padding 10px, align left)

 THis is a test

  • THis is a tes
  • This is test is 

Divider line (1/2pt, #d9d9d9, 100% width)

Disclaimer (Arial, 8, #444444, top and bottom padding 10px, align left)

eQuote Form

The eQuote form is a great substitute for traditional contact forms.

 If you want to see a DEMO on how this form works click here https://osmoscloud.com/equoteform#osmosinquiry


In this video, we explain how the eQuote works


Here are the steps to setup your eQuote form:


Go to Biz Setup > Biz Profile > eQuote


This are the options you have on the eQuote:

  • Activate form: This option allows you activate and deactivate the form from your website.
  • Show prices: This option allows you to display the price of the item and calculate the total price base on quantity.
  • Automatic quote submission: If you want quotes to be sent automatically when the customer clicks on the submit button at the end of the form, then this option is very useful.
  • Show images: If you want the eQuote to look like an e-commerce, select the option show images. Clients will be able to see photos of the products or services.
  • Delivery options: If your business charges for delivery or shipping, the transportation costs can be automatically calculated based on the client location.
  • Check for availability: Osmos can check for service availability based on dates and times provided on the eQuote. 
  • Quantity: You can give the option to allow clients to enter a quantity or just select an item.
  • Display sales rep list: By displaying the sales rep list, clients must choose a sales rep from the list. When doing so, the client will be automatically assigned to the selected sales rep. If the client is already registered in your Osmos account, this option will be hidden. 
  • Upload document: Clients will be able to upload a single document. This document will be available to view on top of the quote module.  


In addition you can:

  • eQuote categories: Select the categories of items you want to display in the eQuote form. Only the ones you select will be visible within the eQuote.

  • Sales rep assigned by default to all clients: If the option to select sales rep on eQuote is turned off, then all eQuote requests will be automatically assigned to the sales rep selected from the list. 

  • eQuote notification: The user selected from the list is the one that will receive email notification when an eQuote is submitted.  

  • Customize eQuote colors: You can customize the eQuote colors for the questionnaire and the item boxes.

  • Add a business description: The business description is used ONLY on the self-hosted eQuote provided by Osmos. 

  • Additional fields: You can display additional fields on the eQuote form as optional information. The information already required by Osmos is Name, Last Name, Telephone and Email.

  • The fields with the description: Date 1, Date 2, Time 1 and Time 2 can be modified and customized in

  • Section title: In here you will customize the titles of the different eQuote sections.


  • Thank you Page: When a client clicks send; they are redirected to a thank-you page. This page usually confirms that the quote was sent and that you will be in contact. You can place your own Thank you page URL here or leave it empty if you don't have a thank you page.

  • Notes: In the note section you can display a message within your form.


  • Questionnaire: You can create a questionnaire to be displayed on the eQuote.

  • eQuote code: In the last part you will find the code that needs to be pasted into your page. You have 3 options; the first 2 options are used to display the eQuote on your own website. One option is to display the form as a pop-up and the other as an iframe.

  The 3rd option is to share your eQuote with a URL. 

it empty if you don't have a thank you page.it empty if you don't have a thank you page.
